Team building with Joel Johnson - See you again

The GVB team building with Joel Johnson has brought our team closer together and improved our cooperation. The three weeks are already over and we have to say goodbye to our American colleague again.

Joel looks after the customers of our Chicago-based subsidiary Quartz Solutions Inc., which offers our technical specialty glass made of quartz for the North and Central American market. As Sales Manager, Joel supported our team at this year's IFAT in Munich and accompanied us on site at GVB GmbH - Solutions in Glass for another two weeks.

After many great team meetings and an intensive exchange of information throughout the team, we were able to enjoy an unforgettable summer party together at the end of our time together. We hope Joel enjoyed his time in Germany and was able to take some inspiration home with him.

Team building with Joel Johnson at IFAT 2024 and at GVB GmbH - Solutions in Glass.